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Shopping Mall Security

Shopping Mall Security
SSA Private Security and Protection Services; It is a security company specialized in shopping mall security; We provide services in facilities such as shopping malls and stores by taking the necessary preventive measures and creating a comprehensive security network to protect the business, its employees, customers and visitors against all kinds of threats, in line with the demands of the business.
Professional Shopping Mall Security is provided with the following headings;
- Shopping mall entrance security
- parking lot security
- Security of floors
- store security
- Customer and staff safety
Major Threat Elements
- Theft
- Extortion
- problem customer
Weaknesses of the Sector
- Customer relationship
- Staff relations
- Wrong response to problem customers
Shopping mall security is a very serious matter in terms of both social events and terrorist incidents, and we are extremely experts in security in shopping centers where great losses in terms of life and property can occur.
Our critiques and principles regarding security in shopping malls
There are important differences between ensuring the "security of crowded campuses with dense entrances and exits" and the "security of institutions where entrances and exits are authorized". In shopping malls, even "customers who act against business rules" have the chance to find an interlocutor at the highest level and be informed in detail, and the customer is tried to be satisfied in terms of general behavior.
However, while ensuring the security of institutions whose borders are determined and whose entrances are authorized, you should not allow any action within the boundaries of courtesy to exceed the rules. In public enterprises, such as "shopping mall management with employer status, tenants and stores with different security policies and security understandings, visitors coming for shopping, people coming to wander around and shopping mall personnel (cleaning, technical, etc.)" should be satisfied with the work you do. ” Many groups are worked in the same place as required. In order to ensure the security of such a complex structure, the security guards employed by a private security company must be selected among people who do not have concentration problems, are cool-headed and can express themselves very well. The security team assigned to the security points, which are the first point of contact with the guest in the shopping mall, must consist of people suitable for the image and corporate culture of the shopping mall.
It is a proven fact in our experience that the customer's judgment when entering the door causes their thoughts about the shopping mall to be shaped positively or negatively, and that a majority of the guests coming to the shopping mall find the entrance security measures and upper controls "unpleasant" and act "impatiently". However, a professional private security guard who can use body language well must check the visitor in accordance with the rules, ensure that he enters the market without any problems, and focus on customer satisfaction as well as security. Moreover, it should not be overlooked that in most shopping malls, security personnel have an advisory function to the customers.
For this reason SSA Private Security and Protection Services; As management; We think that in order to ensure good security in the shopping mall sector, standards should be determined clearly and we should work with personnel who have reached a level of expertise (certification). In addition; We deem it appropriate to work with professional and experienced personnel in the fields of "fighting crime" and "crowd management" in the Security Control Centers we have established in shopping malls, and we meticulously provide our employees with the Professional Shopping Mall security compliance training deemed necessary in this regard.

Our services
- VIP Security and Close Protection Services
- Shopping Mall Security
- Warehouse, Warehouse and Factory Security
- Construction Safety
- Business Center and Plaza Security Services
- Housing, Mass Housing and Professional Site Security
- Hotel Security
- Security in Healthcare Institutions and Hospital Security
- Sports Organizations Security and Sports Facilities Security Services